Antir, Principality Of

Ruler:   His Most Worshipful Mercy, The Prince-Bishop of Antir (Cleric, 14th level)
Capital:   Dhassa
Population:   635,000 +
Demi-Humans:   Elves, gnomes, and the occasional hobbit in the heavily forested regions
Humanoids:   few
Resources:   exotic woods, cloth
Type of Government:   Theocracy
Method of Succession:   Divine Choice

This country is ruled by Clerics. There is a strong religious order of Knights known as the Knights of the Green. Most of the members are Paladins, although there are some Rangers among them. All serve the forces of goodness and law, and their religious zeal bestows upon them great courage in the face of adversity.

Antir was founded as a theocracy 230 years ago, when the priests organized a coup to displace the King of that time, who had fallen into the depths of decadence. Since then, the priests have ruled Antir in relative peace, although there are continual skirmishes with the denizens of the wild lands to the east. The Knights of the Green patrol the border, and maintain the peace.