Confederate States of the Merchant Princes

Ruler:   the 9 "Princes"
Capital:   none
Population:   120,000
Demi-Humans:   some dwarves in the hilly regions and others in the cities
Humanoids:   many
Resources:   mixed. Commerce
Type of Government:   Confederacy
Method of Succession:   varied from state to state

The merchant fleet of these combined states rivals that of Gaent, and their central location allows them to be a major force in the control of cross Continental caravan traffic.

Although the governments in power in each of the states plead innocence, it is known that there are elements that run slave rings to supply the Empire with the slaves they need to fuel the Empire's despotic economy. They also controlled a majority of the caravan traffic going across the Great Desert by supply a "Protection" against the numerous "Outlaws" and "Bandits" that would otherwise (and often still do) plague said caravans. Some of their Commerce is legitimate, and many exotic goods are brought from the eastern portion of the continent or even from the Far Eastern continent. Food production goes on, but not in exportable quantities. In fact, they import some foodstuffs from Mercia.