Dalriada, Kingdom Of

Ruler:   The Great Druid (Druid, 14th level)

Capital:   Mysk
Population:   165,000
Demi-Humans:   here and there an elf or two
Humanoids:   some, hidden away
Resources:   Woodcraft, furs, limited fishing
Type of Government:   Theocratic Pedocracy
Method of Succession:   Selection by a Council of Druids

The King leads the Dalriadans in warfare, but in reality he holds little political power, and is more or less a war-leader. Most of the political power is held by the druids, who exercise their control over the populace only by the respect that the people hold for the wisdom and knowledge that the Druid possess. By far the single most respected (and most inaccessible) person in the country is the "Great Druid", and it is he that passes judgment on matters of national policy when any are passed. He lives a very secluded life, surrounded by and seen only by initiates of the 5th Circle or higher.

Due perhaps to the predominantly cold weather in this part of the world, the inhabitants of Dalriada have maintained a fairly primitive (some say barbarian) lifestyle, and live in small villages called "crannogs" or ring forts. The smallest political unit is the extended family, which would occupy a single crannog or very small ring fort. A group of families might occupy a larger ring fort, and nobles most certainly occupy large ring forts. Caves are also used to some extent, and it is believed that the Great Druid lives in a massive and intricate cave complex.

This country has no political ties outside their own borders, and since the land is rather unappealing, not too many invading forces trouble them, except for occasional raids from the Icy Wastes and from the Jarlsrang.