Gaent, Kingdom Of
Ruler:   His Royal Highness, Eric the Young (Fighter, 15th level)
Capital:   Stone Harbor
Population:   256,000
Demi-Humans:   Few
Humanoids:   Some, especially in the
mountainous regions
Resources:   fishing and shipping, some foodstuffs,
and silver in the mountains
Type of Government:   Feudal Monarchy
Method of Succession:  
handpicked by current monarch
Gaent retains its prominent world position through its power on the high seas. It virtually controls the sea from the pirate coast to Dalriada. Their merchant fleet is immense, and their Navy the most powerful in the world. They are having some difficulty now with the forces of the King the spread thinly in the eastern half of the country to protect it from raids from the east and south. Eric is a genius in naval warfare, but is hard pressed by the harassments on his southeastern border. His attention is divided between those troubles and the problems his fleets are facing at sea with the substantially increased pirating of late.