Ruler:   His Most Ferocious Lordship, the Ice King of Jarlsrang (Barbarian, 16th level)
Capital:   Skymeet
Population:   40,000+
Demi-Humans:   Some dwarves
Humanoids:   Many tribes of the
hardier stocks of Orcs and Gnolls
Resources:   Fishing, silver, gold and
Platinum (hence the dwarves).
Type of Government:   Autocracy
Method of Succession:   By Right of
(usually non-lethal) Combat
Jarlsrang is a collection of barbarian tribes, which is ruled by the greatest of the tribal chiefs, as determined by the tournament held every 5 years in Skymeet. The latter isn't really a capital per se; it is more just a meeting point for the tribal chiefs, where they make their decisions about where to raid next etc.
The final authority of decision rests with the King, but there have been known to be challenges to his authority, which are usually settled in a fight. He usually listens to the other Chiefs though, since the less challenges he must fight, the longer he will stay in office.
When not hunting or fishing, the barbarians in this region spend their time raiding the northern coast of Heimwald and Gododden, adding to the tribulations of those folk, or occasionally across to their neighbors in Dalriada.