Llanfyllin, Woodland Kingdom Of

Ruler:   His Eminent Majesty, Thranduil, King of the Silvan Elves (Fighter/Magic-User, 7th/10th level)

Capital:   Nargothrond (on the River Narog)
Population:   30,000 (?)
Demi-Humans:   All Silvan Elves
Humanoids:   NONE
Resources:   Self-sufficient economy of hunting, fishing and gathering.
Type of Government:   Monarchy
Method of Succession:   Unknown.

The mysterious land of Llanfyllin is the home of the Wood Elves. Migrating here in the Second Era, they have secluded themselves here ever since. They have as little contact with the outside world as is possible, although some wood products are traded for crude ore of various metals for their smiths to work. They always send representatives out to do the trading, as no non-elves are allowed within the borders of the country without the express permission of the King. The borders are patrolled by squads or platoons of archers all the time, and intruders are harried until they turn around and leave. If they do not leave after reasonable warning has been given, they're shot.

About the Elves and their "Government"

When the elves first arrived on the shores of this landmass, the various sub-races scattered far and wide over it.

The different sub-races of elves have slightly different attitudes toward governance of themselves.

High/Gray Elves:

Of all of the sub-races of elves, High Elves and Gray Elves have been the most apt to socialize with other races.

In the time of barbarism after the plague, they retreated into their own enclaves, since the humans in those days were scarcely more civilized than the beasts and goblinkind of the wild, but once civilization began to take root among humans, some of the High Elves began to interact voluntarily with human society, where they would teach the humans crafts they would otherwise have taken centuries to master.

As the human societies expanded and spread, they sometimes surrounded Elven territory, but any that tried to invade soon learned that the Elves were well able to defend themselves.

Centuries passed, Elves and men learned to get along, for the most part.

The High and Gray Elves tend to live apart from other races, but they sometimes inhabit areas claimed by human lords.

Although they normally don't formally acknowledge fealty to any human lord, they usually cooperate with them when it's in their best interest to do so.

In most of these cases, they remain isolated from the surrounding human population, a "pocket" of Elven society, but in some cases, they intermingle with the humans, and blend into their society (these cases account for many of the half-elves we see today).

A good example of the former is the Barony Gailimh in the Duchy of Valonia.

It is considered by Fergus & Donaan, Dukes of Rhoona to be a part of their realm, but it is inhabited almost exclusively by High and Gray Elves.

To the outside world, they are a part of Valonia - to themselves, they are simply living near Valonia with no particular "national" ties, though the leaders of the Elven community allow themselves to be addressed by the rank "given" them by the human rulers.

The province of Weston in the Plains of Rahn is a good example of the latter, where the elvish and human population have melded into a single society.

There are many other such examples scattered over the continent.

Wood/Silvan Elves:

Whether by design or happenstance, these elves have largely collected themselves under the banner of a "King" in Llanfyllin, and even before the Plague, most resided there.

There are certainly other groups of them scattered about the world wherever there are deep, uncharted forests.

Grugach/Wild Elves:

These are so recluse as to be thought by many to be only legend. Nothing is known of their governance.