Mercia, Kingdom Of
Ruler:   His Royal Majesty, William III, King of Mercia, Duke of Gwent, Protector of Valonia and Devonshire, and Lord of the Misty Isles. (Paladin, 17th level)
Capital:   Kendall
Population:   1,375,000+
Demi-Humans:   A good number,
mixed in cities, and pocketed in towns
Humanoids:   A few, mostly in the
mountains and sparsely populated areas
Resources:   Foodstuffs, textiles
Type of Government:   Feudal Monarchy --
Kingdom - Duchies - Counties -
Method of Succession:   Father to Eldest Son
Mercia serves as the finest example of how feudalism is supposed to work. The succession of Kings in the family of William III has been unbroken for the past 400 years. He and his forbears have ruled wisely and justly since the Kingdom was founded in the year 523, by one of William's ancestors, Artemis the Bold.
His Dukes, Counts and Barons have supported him faithfully and well in the infrequent occasions when the kingdom has been at war, responding to his call to arms as fast as would be considered possible. In return, William interferes very little in the governing of the subordinate fiefdoms in his kingdom.
While not currently at war with anyone, Mercia lends support to the efforts of the Gaentians against the pirating and harassment from the merchant princes.