Rahn, Plains Of
Northern Reaches: Moradin the Quiet (Ranger, 12th level)
East Riding: Esther the Fearless (Cleric/Fighter, 5th/10th level)
Weston: Fingolin the Wise (Half-Elven Fighter/Magic-User, 8th/12th level)
Southlands: Yarley the Unyielding (Fighter, 13th level)
Capital(s):   Valera and Fulda
Population:   70,000+
Demi-Humans:   The Northern Province
has a stong Elvish influence
Humanoids:   Few and far between
Resources:   Horses, Furs
Type of Government:   Oligarchy
Method of Succession:   To eldest child,
regardless of sex
Known for their outstanding horses, these basically nomadic people have no great cities , and although the two capitals are fairly good-sized towns, their architecture is not on a grand scale, and castles are few and far between. Because of their proximity to more settled States, they have established some number of towns and villages, which act primarily as trading centers. The population is sparsely distributed, and for the most part herdsmen and hunters, although round the towns, some limited agriculture takes place. Additional foodstuffs are imported from Mercia and Gaent.
Their horses command tremendous sums in the markets of other lands, but these people are very jealous of their horses, and generally only the poorer stock (still better than most horses) actually leaves the country.
Warfare, when it takes place, is conducted almost solely on horseback, the force consisting mostly of light and medium cavalry armed with bows and lances and scimitars. There is a very small number of heavy cavalry, and each town supports a small garrison of ft. to defend itself. Most of the threat facing the plains is from the humanoids from the wild lands to the north and east, and the raiding nomads from the great desert to the southeast. Most threats are easily dealt with due to the highly sophisticated messenger system employed all over the country. Before a serious invasion could get far, the word would have reached the ears of the leaders, and reinforcements can be dispatched very swiftly.
Government at the high level is conducted by consensus of the 4 provincial leaders, and on the smaller scale by consensus of the elders of any given town or clan.