Rheged, Highland Duchy Of
Ruler:   His Noble Grace, the Duke of Erinbrough (Fighter, 14th level)
Capital:   Erinbrough
Population:   75,000
Demi-Humans:   Some gnomes and dwarves,
and a few hobbits
Humanoids:   some, scattered about the hills
and mountains
Resources:   textiles and wool products,
some copper and platinum
Type of Government:   Clan-based
Patriarchal Confederacy
Method of Succession:   Father to eldest Son.
The Duchy of Rheged is a wild and sparsely populated country whose political basis is the Clan. There are more than 20 clans in Rheged, often feuding amongst themselves, unless an outside force threatens. In that case, the Rhegedians are quick to put aside their petty squabbles and unite to face the common enemy, for they are a very chauvinistic people, even to the point of sometimes being known to consider other humans as a lesser race. This has, as can be supposed, gotten many a Rhegedian in a good deal of trouble. They're proud folk, and quick to take offense, but having once made a friend of a Rhegedian one has a true and stalwart friend for life.