Valonia, Duchy Of
Ruler:   Their Most Noble Highnesses Fergus & Donaan, Dukes of Rhoona (Fighter, 10th level & Magic-User, 11th level)
Capital:   Rhoona
Population:   90,000+
Demi-Humans:   Many hobbits from across the
Loudwater have settled here and Barony
Gailimh is occupied almost exclusively by Gray and High Elves.
Humanoids:   a few in the eastern half.
Resources:   Fishing and foodstuffs, silver from
the Barony of Cornwall
Type of Government:   Feudal Monarchy
Method of Succession:   Father to Eldest Son (usually)
The Duchy of Valonia is jointly ruled by twin brothers. There was a mix-up in the nursery when they were born so it is not known which brother is actually the older. Therefore, their father decreed that they should rule jointly. It was also decreed that their successor should be the eldest male child of either of the two brothers.