Ability Requirements: Strength 13, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 14, Constitution 14
Prime Requisites: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom
Races Allowed: Human, Elf, Half-elf
Alignments Allowed: Any Good
Automatic Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Animal Lore, Herbalism, Survival, Direction Sense, Tracking
The ranger is a hunter and woodsman who lives by not only his sword, but also his wits. Robin Hood, Orion, Jack the giant killer, the huntresses of Diana, and of course, Aragorn are examples of rangers from history and legend. The abilities of the ranger make him particularly good at tracking, woodcraft, and spying.
It is in the ranger's heart to do good, but not always by the rules.
Although the ranger can use any weapon and wear any armor, several of his special abilities are usable only when he is wearing studded leather or lighter armor.
Special Abilities
Although he has the basic skills of a warrior, the ranger also has several advantages.
Tracking is principally used in outdoor situations, although there are conditions underground (“indoors”) which will enable a ranger to track a creature.
Outdoor Tracking:
The base chance to successfully track outdoors is 10% per level of the ranger, plus an additional 10% - for example, 20% for a 1st-level ranger or 70% for a 6th-level ranger. The base chance can rise as high as 110% (for a ranger of 10th level or higher), but can never exceed that figure. Note that, even in such a case, the adjusted chance can drop below 100% if negative modifiers are taken into account. An adjusted chance of greater than 100% is treated as 100%; that is, the trail can be followed for as long as the current conditions (terrain, number of creatures being tracked, etc.) apply.
Terrain modifiers: | |
Soft enough to hold impressions (footprints, pawprints, etc.) of creature being tracked | + 20% |
Allows occasional marks or obvious signs of passage (broken twigs, bent grass, etc.) | + 10% |
Allows only infrequent signs of passage due to rock, water, wind, other creatures crossing or overtracking, etc.. | O% |
Prevents all but the minutest traces of passage | -50% |
Other modifiers: | |
For each creature beyond the first in the group being tracked | + 02% |
For every 12 hours elapsed since the trail was made | -05% |
For every hour of precipitation that has fallen on the trail between tracker and quarry | -25% |
If intelligent efforts are made to hide the trail, consider the terrain modifier to be of the next lower category (e.g., down from + 20% to + 10%). If the terrain modifier was already of the -50% category, then tracking is impossible.
Indoor Tracking:
Base chance is the same as that for outdoor tracking.
Surface condition modifiers: | |
Dirt floor, or unused and dusty area | + 20% |
Wooden floor, or area which allows some occasional indication of passage. | O% |
Stone floor which prevents all but the minutest traces of passage | -50% |
Other modifiers: | |
For each creature beyond the first in the group being tracked. | + 02% |
For passing over an area where other creatures cross or overtrack trail | -50% |
If intelligent efforts are made to hide the trail, including passing through a secret door, consider the surface condition modifier to be of the next lower category. If the surface condition modifier was already of the -50% category, then tracking is impossible.
Special Note:
Tracking indoors is impossible if the ranger desiring to do so has never observed some distinguishing feature about the tracks of the creature to be tracked, or if the ranger does not observe the quarry making the trail and then follow the tracks within a reasonable period of time (typically 10-30 minutes) thereafter. In all cases, the DM must use common sense as to whether or not it will be possible to follow a creature by tracking. For instance, creatures which leave obvious trails can almost always be tracked -- worms, slimes, jellies, and the like are obvious examples of this. Conversely, creatures which do not normally leave any sign of passage are almost always impossible to track -- flying creatures, ghosts, wraiths, and spiders, for example. However, since tracking is a combination of visual, audio, and olfactory abilities, tracking might sometimes be possible by unusual means -- the disturbance of things left by a flying creature’s passage, the sound of its passage, the trail of odor left, and so forth.
Movement rate while tracking: | |
Obvious tracks, good illumination | 3/4 of normal |
Obvious tracks, poor illumination | 2/3 of normal |
Occasional tracks, good illumination | 2/3 of normal |
Occasional tracks, poor illumination | 1/2 of normal |
Faint tracks, good illumination | 1/2 of normal |
Faint tracks, poor illumination | 1/4 of normal |
Light condition, outdoors or indoors:
All tracking is assumed to be done under conditions of good illumination -- daylight or the equivalent (a continual light spell, for instance). The movement rate of a ranger while tracking is somewhat slowed even under optimum conditions; in even poorer conditions (of light, or of the quality of the trail, or both), the ranger’s movement rate may be reduced drastically.
Obvious = 71% or better chance to track.
Occasional = 31% to 70% chance to track.
Faint = 30% or less chance to track.
Poor illumination = anything less than daylight and greater than total darkness. Tracking is not possible in total darkness unless some non-visual evidence is available (as referred to above).
Identification of tracks:
Whether tracking outdoors or indoors (underground), a ranger may be able to identify what sort of creature(s) made a trail, what direction the quarry was going in, how many creatures were in the group being tracked, and how fast they were traveling. When the trail is outdoors, the ranger may also be able to determine the approximate time of passage -- that is, how much time has elapsed since the tracks were made. Identification of tracks can only occur if the attempt to track is successful. The chance for successful identification is the same as for tracking, with a second dice roll required to determine success. Identification abilities gained by level are cumulative; i.e., a 4th-level ranger has the abilities of a 3rd-level ranger, in addition to the skills gained at 4th level. For the purpose of this determination “woodland creatures” are those which are able to be encountered in faerie or sylvan settings or wilderness forests, as per the encounter tables in the AD&D game rules.
- Common woodland creatures’ tracks and direction of travel
- Common woodland creatures’ number and pace
- Common woodland creatures’ time of passage (outdoors only)
- As 3rd level with respect to uncommon woodland creatures
- As 3rd level with respect to rare woodland creatures
- As 3rd level with respect to very rare woodland creatures
- As 3rd level with respect to all sorts of creatures (woodland and otherwise) within a 100mile radius
- As 7th level, plus the ability to determine the general size and weight of humans
- As 8th level, plus the ability to determine the size and numbers of mounted creatures (for instance, if a horse is carrying more than one rider)
- As 9th level with respect to all creatures ever observed, prior to attaining 10th level or subsequently
Hated Enemies
In their roles as protector of good, rangers tend to focus their efforts against some particular creature or class of creatures, usually one that marauds their homeland. Against these creatures, the ranger gains a damage bonus of +1 per level of the ranger.
This enmity can be concealed only with great difficulty, so the ranger suffers a -4 penalty on all encounter reactions with creatures of the hated type. Furthermore, the ranger will actively seek out this enemy in combat in preference to all other foes unless someone else presents a much greater danger.
Typically, for rangers from mountainous and wooded terrains, this special enmity is directed against creatures of the "giant" class, a list of which follows: Bugbear, Ettin, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Ogre, Ogre Mage, Ogrillon, Orc, Troll. More...[ Cyclopskin, Dune Stalker, Flind, Gibberling, Grimlock, Meazel, Norker, Quaggoth, Tasloi, Xvart ]
However, not all rangers are necessarily from mountainous and/or wooded regions of the world, and those that aren't may have a different hated enemy. The player and DM must work together to create a history for the character that would indicate what class of creatures might be that ranger's hated enemy.
Rangers surprise opponents 50% of the time (1-3 on a d6) and are themselves surprised only 16.7% of the time (1 on a d6).
While wearing studded leather or lighter armor, the ranger can try to move silently and hide in shadows. His chance to succeed in natural surroundings is given on the Ranger Abilities table (modified by the ranger's race and Dexterity, as per a thief). When attempting these actions in non-natural surroundings (a musty crypt or city streets) the chance of success is halved. Hiding in shadows and moving silently are not possible in any armor heavier than studded leather--the armor is inflexible and makes too much noise
Magic Items
At 10th level (Ranger Lord), rangers are able to employ all non-written magic items which pertain to clairaudience, clairvoyance, ESP, and telepathy.
Animal Handling
Rangers are adept with both trained and untamed creatures, having a limited degree of animal empathy. If a ranger carefully approaches or tends any natural animal, he can try to modify the animal's reactions. (A natural animal is one that can be found in the real world -a bear, snake, zebra, etc.)
When dealing with domestic or non-hostile animals, a ranger can approach the animal and befriend it automatically. He can easily discern the qualities of the creature (spotting the best horse in the corral or seeing that the runt of the litter actually has great promise).
When dealing with a wild animal or an animal trained to attack, the animal must roll a saving throw vs. rods to resist the ranger's overtures. (This table is used even though the ranger's power is non-magical.) The ranger imposes a -1 penalty on the die roll for every three experience levels he has earned (-1 at 1st to 3rd, -2 at 4th to 6th, etc.). If the creature fails the saving throw, its reaction can be shifted one category as the ranger chooses. Of course, the ranger must be at the front of the party and must approach the creature fearlessly.
In addition, the Ranger has proficiency in Animal Handling and Animal Lore, as described in Nonweapon Proficiencies.
Spell ability
At 8th level, rangers gain limited druidic spell ability, and additional spells are added through 17th level.
At 9th level, rangers gain limited magic-user spell ability. Rangers must create a Spell Book and check which spells they can learn, just as a magic-user.
Rangers can never read druidic or magical scrolls.
For details, see Ranger Levels, Abilities and Spell Progression table below.
At 10th level, a ranger attracts 2d6 followers. These followers might be normal humans, but they are often animals or even stranger denizens of the land. If they are adventurers, they will be 1st level. Of course, your DM can assign particular creatures, either choosing from the list below or from any other source. He can also rule that certain creatures are not found in the region -- it is highly unlikely that a tiger would come wandering through a territory similar to western Europe! However, the table below can be used to determine these if desired.
These followers arrive over the course of several months. Often they are encountered during the ranger's adventures (allowing you and your DM a chance to role-play the initial meeting). While the followers are automatically loyal and friendly toward the ranger, their future behavior depends on the ranger's treatment of them. In all cases, the ranger does not gain any special method of communicating with his followers. He must either have some way of speaking to them or they simply mutely accompany him on his journeys. ("Yeah, this bear's been with me for years. Don't know why--he just seems to follow me around. I don't own him and can't tell him to do anything he don't want to do," said the grizzled old woodsman sitting outside the tavern.)
Ranger's Followers
Die Roll | Follower | Die Roll | Follower |
01-10 | Bear, black | 73 | Hippogriff* |
11-20 | Bear, brown | 74 | Pegasus* |
21 | Brownie* | 75 | Pixie* |
22-26 | Cleric (human) | 76 | Pseudo-dragon* |
27-38 | Dog/wolf | 77-81 | Ranger (half-elf) |
39-40 | Druid | 82-91 | Ranger (human) |
41-50 | Falcon | 92-95 | Raven |
51-53 | Fighter (elf) | 96 | Satyr* |
54-55 | Fighter (gnome) | 97 | Thief (halfling) |
56-57 | Fighter (halfling) | 98 | Thief (human) |
58-65 | Fighter (human) | 99 | Werebear/weretiger* |
66 | Fighter/mage (elf)* | 00 | Other wilderness creature (chosen by the DM) |
67-72 | Great cat (tiger, lion, etc.)* |
*If the ranger already has a follower of this type, ignore this result and roll again.
Of course, the ranger is not obligated to take on followers. If he prefers to remain independent, he can release his followers at any time. They reluctantly depart, but stand ready to answer any call for aid he might put out at a later time.
The Ranger’s Weapons
Of the ranger’s three initial weapons of proficiency, one must be either a bow (any sort) or a light crossbow. However, the ranger cannot have both a bow and a light crossbow as weapons of proficiency until attaining 7th level (at least), when the weapon type not already taken could be counted as the fifth weapon of proficiency. By the time a ranger gains a fourth weapon proficiency at 4th level, the character’s list of weapons must include:
- either a bow or a light crossbow,
- a dagger or a knife,
- a spear or an axe, and
- a sword (of any type).
The initial weapon selection for the character must be made so as to take these requirements into account.
Other restrictions
Like the paladin, the ranger has a code of behavior. A ranger must always retain his good alignment. If the ranger intentionally commits an evil act, he automatically loses his ranger status. Thereafter he is considered a fighter of the same level (if he has more experience points than a fighter of his level, he loses all the excess experience points). His ranger status can never be regained. If the ranger involuntarily commits an evil act (perhaps in a situation of no choice), he cannot earn any more experience points until he has cleansed himself of that evil. This can be accomplished by correcting the wrongs he committed, revenging himself on the person who forced him to commit the act, or releasing those oppressed by evil. The ranger instinctively knows what things he must do to regain his status (i.e., the DM creates a special adventure for the character).
Furthermore, rangers tend to be loners, men constantly on the move. They cannot have henchmen, hirelings, mercenaries, or even servants until they reach 8th level.
No more than three rangers can operate together at one time.
While they can have any monetary amount of treasure, they cannot have more goods and treasure than they can carry. Excess treasure must either be converted to a portable form or donated to a worthy institution (an NPC group, not a player character).
Rangers can build castles, forts, or strongholds, but do not gain any special followers by doing so.
Ranger Experience Levels, Abilities and Spell Progression
Ranger Level |
XP | Hit Dice (d8) |
Hide in Shadows |
Move Silently |
Druid Spell Levels | Magic User Spell Levels | |||||
Casting |
1 | 2 | 3 | Casting Level |
1 | 2 | |||||
1 | 0 | 2 | 10% | 15% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
2 | 2,250 | 3 | 15% | 21% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
3 | 4,500 | 4 | 20% | 27% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
4 | 10,000 | 5 | 25% | 33% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
5 | 20,000 | 6 | 31% | 40% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
6 | 40,000 | 7 | 37% | 47% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
7 | 90,000 | 8 | 43% | 55% | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
8 | 150,000 | 9 | 49% | 62% | 1 | 1 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
9 | 225,000 | 10 | 56% | 70% | 2 | 1 | -- | -- | 1 | 1 | -- |
10 | 325,000 | 11 | 63% | 78% | 3 | 2 | -- | -- | 2 | 1 | -- |
11 | 650,000 | 11+2 | 70% | 86% | 4 | 2 | -- | -- | 3 | 2 | -- |
12 | 975,000 | 11+4 | 77% | 94% | 5 | 2 | 1 | -- | 4 | 2 | -- |