
Strength (Str) measures a character's muscle, endurance, and stamina. This ability is the prime requisite of warriors because they must be physically powerful in order to wear armor and wield heavy weapons.

Furthermore, any warrior with a Strength score of 18 is entitled to roll percentile dice (see Glossary) to determine exceptional Strength; exceptional Strength improves the character's chance to hit an enemy, increases the damage he causes with each hit, increases the weight the character is able to carry without a penalty for encumbrance (see below), and increases the character's ability to force open doors and similar portals.

The rest of this section on Strength consists of explanations of the columns in the Strength Modifiers table. Refer to the table as you read.

Hit Probability adjustments are added to or subtracted from the attack roll rolled on 1d20 (one 20-sided die) during combat. A bonus (positive number) makes the opponent easier to hit; a penalty (negative number) makes him harder to hit.

For example, a short sword normally causes 1d6 points of damage (a range of 1 to 6). An attacker with Strength 17 causes one extra point of damage, for a range of 2 to 7 points of damage.

Damage Adjustment also applies to combat. The listed number is added to or subtracted from the dice rolled to determine the damage caused by an attack (regardless of subtractions, a successful attack roll can never cause less than 1 point of damage). The damage adjustment also applies to missile weapons at short range, although bows must be specially made to gain the bonus; crossbows never benefit from the user's Strength.

Weight Allowance is the weight (in pounds) a character can carry without being encumbered (encumbrance measures how a character's possessions hamper his movement--see Glossary). These weights are expressed in pounds. A character carrying up to the listed weight can move his full movement rate.

Maximum Press is the heaviest weight a character can pick up and lift over his head. A character cannot walk more than a few steps this way. No human or humanoid creature without exceptional Strength can lift more than twice his body weight over his head.

Open Doors indicates the character's percentage chance to force open a heavy or stuck door. When a character tries to force a door open, roll percentile dice. If the result is equal to or less than the listed number, the door opens. A character can keep trying to open a door until it finally opens, but each attempt takes time (exactly how much is up to the DM) and makes a lot of noise. Also, each additional try lowers the chances by 10%.

Numbers in parentheses are the percentage chance to open a locked, barred, or magically held door, but only one attempt per door can ever be made. If it fails, no further attempts by that character can succeed.

Bend Bars/Lift Gates states the character's percentage chance (rolled on percentile dice) to bend normal, soft iron bars, lift a vertical gate (portcullis), or perform a similar feat of enormous strength. When the character makes the attempt, roll percentile dice. If the number rolled is equal to or less than the number listed, the character bends the bar or lifts the gate. If the attempt fails, the character can never succeed at that task. A character can, however, try to bend the bars on a gate that he couldn't lift, and vice versa.

Strength Modifiers

Open Doors Bend Bars/
Lift Gates
1 -5 -4 1 3 10% 0%  
2 -4 -3 2 5 12% 0%  
3 -3 -2 5 10 14% 0%  
4 -2 -1 10 20 17% 0%  
5 -2 -1 15 30 19% 0%  
6 -1 None 20 55 21% 0%  
7 -1 None 25 55 23% 0%  
8 Normal None 30 90 25% 1%  
9 Normal None 35 90 28% 1%  
10 Normal None 40 115 30% 2%  
11 Normal None 45 115 32% 3%  
12 Normal None 50 140 34% 4%  
13 Normal None 55 140 36% 5%  
14 Normal None 60 170 39% 6%  
15 Normal None 65 170 41% 7%  
16 Normal +1 75 195 44% 10%  
17 +1 +1 85 220 47% 13%  
18 +1 +2 110 255 51% 16%  
18/01-50 +1 +3 135 280 55% 20%  
18/51-75 +2 +3 160 305 60% 25%  
18/76-90 +2 +4 185 330 67% 30%  
18/91-99 +2 +5 235 380 74%(15%) 35%  
18/00 +3 +6 335 480 80%(30%) 40%  
19 +3 +7 485 640 83%(40%) 50% Hill Giant
20 +3 +8 535 700 85%(50%) 60% Stone Giant
21 +4 +9 635 810 87%(60%) 70% Frost Giant
22 +4 +10 785 970 89%(70%) 80% Fire Giant
23 +5 +11 935 1,130 91%(80%) 90% Cloud Giant
24 +6 +12 1,235 1,440 93%(85%) 95% Storm Giant
25 +7 +14 1,535 1,750 95%(90%) 99% Titan


Strength also determines how much a character can carry, and how his movement will be affected. See the Encumbrance section for more information.