Adventure Log of the Twilight Vanguard

June 6, 1014

Our steadfast group started their career by helping out farmer Arvel Butterball and his neighbors rid the local area of a group of goblins being led by Bogsnag the Hobgoblin. They made a deal with the former leader "old Gub" to vacate the area if they help unseat Bogsnag. They do just that, and everyone leaves happy.

June 10, 1014

Our group arrives in the small village of Taldren, and takes up residence in the Inn of the Whistling Pig. After hearing stories of bandits inhabiting the ruins of Sternholm Keep, they decide to do the community the service of eliminating the threat. They also hear of trouble brewing in the Forest of the Fallen Oaks.

June 11, 1014

The group makes an initial foray into the keep, but is soundly beaten back, and they retreat back to town to rest and recover.

June 12, 1014

They come better prepared today, and defeat the bandits lurking there, and return triumphantly to Taldren dragging copious amounts of coin. They have not found the infamous Illumina mi Nemesi, but hope to retrieve it soon.

June 15, 1014

After recuperating for a little while, the group decides to investigate the strange evil presence in the Forest of the Fallen Oaks. They meet the Treant Oakspur, who requests that they attempt to rid the forest of the evil that has overtaken it.

They make short work of some undead skeletons, but then meet Warwick Diamondfingers and the remains of his criminal gang, who have abandoned Sternholm Keep to make their way in the forest. Warwick attacks furiously with the Illumina mi Nemesi, and nearly kills Araveth the monk.

Eventually, the combined might of the group bests Warwick and his men. With the terrible state that Araveth is in, the group wisely decides to return to Taldren with Illumina mi Nemesi, which they give to the Paladin Sir Richard Dupree who promises to unwork the curse on the blade.

June 19, 1014

After a day or so to heal up, they return to the forest, and after encountering an illusory minotaur, they finally find the graveyard that they were looking for. The time had come, and they were prepared, but almost not prepared enough.

It was good that the Druid Brother Tiberius had given them the "Hold Plant" scroll, else they would never have been able to defeat the Shambling Mound Slaggariah. But defeat it they did, and placed the black rose on the gravestone of the little girl Luna, allowing her spirit to finally rest.

On their way out of the forest, they once again met Oakspur, who shows them his gratitude by giving them the Shillelagh of Earthly Health.

June 20-23, 1014

Back in the village, Lorander writes the spell "Identify" into his spellbook. He then uses that spell to glean what he can about the mysterious Ring of the Ram and the Lesser Rod of Alertness.

Lorander also pens a ballad to their collective exploits.



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