Here is a quick summary of all the characters currently in the campaign

The Party
Name Araveth Duff Lorander Koash
Race Half-Elf Human Half-Elf Half-Elf
Class Monk Cavalier Bard Fighter / Cleric / Mage
Level 2 2 3 2 / 2 / 1
Experience 3457 3457 3457 2032 / 2032 / 2032
x.p. to next level 1294 1544 1544 1969 / 969 / 469
Strength 16 14 12 14
Intelligence 10 12 13 15
Wisdom 17 7 17 16
Dexterity 17 14 9 12
Constitution 12 15 12 13
Charisma 9 12 9 10
Armor Class Type 10 15 13 12
Dexterity Bonus to AC 3 0 0 0
Armor Class 14 16 14 16
Hit Points 15 13 15 15
Total Bonus To Hit Melee 0 1 1 1
Bonus melee Damage 2 0 0 0
Bonus To Hit Missile 2 0 0 0
Weight Allowance (lbs) 70 55 45 55
Open Doors x/6 3 2 2 2
Bend Bars/Lift Gates 10% 7% 3% 7%


Lawful Neutral Lawful Neutral Neutral Good Neutral

Saving Throws

Poison 8 14 13 10
Paralyzation or Death 10 14 13 10
Petrification or Polymorph 13 15 12 13
Rod, Staff or Wand 14 16 14 11
Breath Weapon 16 17 16 15
Spell 15 17 15 12
Bonus for Will-based attacks 3 -1 3 2
Resistance to Charm 0% 90% 30% 30%
      Koash can Turn Undead
      Skeleton or 1 HD 7
      Zombie 10
      Ghoul or 2 HD 13
      Shadow or 3-4 HD 16
      Wight or 5 HD 19
      Ghast 20
      Wraith or 6 HD --
      Mummy or 7 HD --
      Spectre or 8 HD --
      Vampire or 9 HD --
      Ghost or 10 HD --
      Lich or 11+ HD --
      Special** --
Araveth and Lorander have some thief like abilities
Pick Pockets     -15%
Open Locks 39%    
Find/ Remove Traps 35%    
Move Silently 46%    
Hide in Shadows 35%    
Hear Noise 13%   40%
Climb Walls 96%   45%
Read Languages     20%

Community Items

The party may have items that they are "sharing". Those "community-owned" items will be listed here
a beautiful pearl 100
a huge blue pale Tourmaline 600
a huge opaque dark gray Bloodstone with red flecks 150
a huge opaque yellowish Pearl 225
a huge opaque yellowish Pearl 225
a huge reddish pale Tourmaline 300
a huge Watery gold Amber 300
a large opaque dark gray Bloodstone with blue flecks 75
a large opaque light pink Rhodochrosite 15
a large opaque yellowish Pearl 120
a small green Chrysoberyl 50
a small opaque light and dark blue lapis Lazuli with yellow flecks 5
a small opaque mottled deep blue Azurite worth 5
a small opaque pinkish Pearl 100
a small translucent apple green Chrysoprose 25
a small translucent green and white Jade 50
a small translucent striped brown and blue and white and reddish Banded Agate 5
a small violet Garnet 250
a very large opaque deep black Jet 200
a very large Opaque white Chalcedony 100
a very large rich gold Amber 200
a very small blue pale Tourmaline 20
a very small brown Sapphire 100
a very small opaque pinkish Pearl 40
an average size Clear Rock Crystal 50
an average size green pale Tourmaline 100
an average size opaque Sardonyx with red and white bands 50
Total Value of Gems 3460 gp
Shillelagh of Earthly Health
Ring of the Ram
Rod of Alertness
Last Modified: February 4, 2025