Human Pantheon | ||||||
Name | Domain | Priests' Spheres | Alignment | Worshippers' Alignment | Priests' Weapons * | Symbol |
(Greater god) |
Authority, Rulership | Animal, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Protection, Summoning | NG | Lawful and Neutral | Any | Watching Blue Eye |
(Greater goddess) |
Agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, summer | Animal, Charm, Creation, Divination, Plant, Sun, Weather | NG | LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG | Bill, Flail, Sickle, Dagger | A budding flower encircled by a sunburst or (older) a sheaf of golden wheat on a green field or a cat |
(Greater god) |
Thunder, Weather, Sky, Crops | Charm, Combat, Elemental, Protection, Sun, War, Weather | CG | LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG | Hammer or War Hammer | Hammer |
(Lesser god) |
Poetry, Eloquence, Song | Charm, Divination, Healing, Protection, Travelers | NG | LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG and all Bards | Short Sword, Bow | A silver harp, often depicted as a five-stringed instrument whose body is made of silvery leaves |
(Greater goddess) |
Love, Passion & Fertility | Animal, Charm, Creation, Divination, Healing, Necromancy | NG | NG and all Lovers | Dagger, Short Bow | Falcon |
(Greater god) |
Gates, Open Paths, Light, Guardianship | Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Protection, Summoning, Sun, Travelers, Wards | LG | LG, LN | Sword, Spear | Horn |
(Greater god) |
Swordsmanship, Courage, Law, Justice | Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Summoning | LG | LG, NG, LN | Sword | A balanced set of scales set upon the point of a sword |
(Greater god) |
Mischief, strife, lies, intrigue, deception, illusion | Chaos, Charm, Creation, Numbers, Thought, Time | CE | NG, N, NE, CG, CN, CE | Any one-handed | A white skull (sans jawbone) on a dark purple or black flameburst |
Dian Cecht
(Greater god) |
Medicine and Healing | Animal, Creation, Divination, Healing, Plant, Protection | LG | LG, NG, CG | Standard | Crossed oak and Mistletoe branches |
(Greater god) |
Wild nature, druids | Animal, Guardian, Plant, Weather | N | Any | Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff | A green, living oak leaf, an oak tree in summer, or a wooden staff sprouting tiny leaflets and buds down its length |
(Lesser god) |
Hunting skills, Archery | Animal, Combat, Travelers, Weather | CN | CN | Spear, Longbow | Longbow |
(Demigod) |
Sailors, the safety of ships, favourable winds, naval combat | Elemental--Air, Elemental--Water, Protection, War, Weather | CG | Any | Blowgun, Dart, Crossbow, Spear, Trident | A shield showing a thundercloud with three lightening bolts descending from it |
Elven Pantheon | ||||||
Name | Domain | Priests' Spheres | Alignment | Worshippers' Alignment | Priests' Weapons * | Symbol |
Corellon Larethian
(Greater god) |
Magic and elven magic (especially high elven magic), music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race (especially good elves), poets, poetry, bards, warriors | Astral, Charm, Creation, Combat, Divination, Thought, Time, War | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Longsword, Spear, Longbow | Crescent Moon |
(Greater goddess) |
Spring, fertility, planting, birth, defense, wisdom, healing | Creation, Guardian, Healing, Plant, Protection, Sun, Wards | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Standard | Three interconnecting circles laid out in a triangle |
Deep Seshelas
(Lesser god) |
Oceans, sea elves, creation, knowledge, underwater and sea elven beauty, water magic | Creation, Divination, Elemental--Water, Numbers, Thought | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Harpoon, Spear, Trident | Dolphin |
Labelas Enoreth
(Lesser god) |
Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history | Divination, Law, Thought, Time | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Standard | Setting sun |
Rillifane Rallathil
(Lesser god) |
Woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids | Animal, Chaos, Guardian, Plant, Protection, Summoning | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff | Oak tree |
Solonor Thelandira
(Lesser god) |
Archery, hunting, wilderness survival | Animal, Combat, Guardian, Plant, Protection, Wards, Weather | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Spear, Any Bow | Silver arrow with green fletching |
Erevan Ilesere
(Lesser god) |
Mischief, change, rogues | Chaos, Charm, Travelers | CN | NG, CG, N, CN | Short Sword, Dagger | Nova star with asymmetrical rays |
Dwarven Pantheon | ||||||
Name | Domain | Priests' Spheres | Alignment | Worshippers' Alignment | Priests' Weapons * | Symbol |
(Greater god) |
Dwarves (survival, renewal and advancement), creation, smithing of all sorts, craftsmanship, war, the dwarven race, protection , metalcraft, stonework, engineering, dwarven engineers, protection | Creation, Combat, Guardian, Protection, War | LG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Any | Hammer and anvil |
Berronar Truesilver
(Greater goddess) |
Safety, truth, home, healing, dwarven home life, records, traditional clan life, marriage, familial love, faithfulness / loyalty, honesty, obligations, oaths, the family, protector of dwarven children | Guardian, Healing, Law, Wards | LG | LG | Standard | Two silver rings intertwined |
(Greater god) |
Keeper of metals and other buried wealth (secrets under the earth), the earth's riches, ores, gems, minerals, mining, exploration, the shield dwarf race, guardian of the dead | Elemental, Necromancy, Numbers, Travelers | N | Any | Hammer, Pick Axe | A cut, faceted gem inside a mountain |
Clanggedin Silverbeard
(Lesser god) |
Battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in battle | Combat, Guardian, Protection, War | LN | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | BattleAxe, Crossbow | Two crossed battleaxes |
(Lesser god) |
Healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon | Astral, Chaos, Charm, Healing, Thought | CG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE | Standard | A flame rising from a steel needle |
(Lesser god) |
Wealth, luck, chance, non-evil thieves, entrepreneurial skills such as suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness | Chaos, Charm, Divination, Thought | N | Any Neutral | Standard | A gold piece |
(Greater god) |
Greed | Chaos, Law, Numbers, Thought, Wards | NE | LE, NE, CE | Standard | Jewelled Dagger |
Gnomish Pantheon | ||||||
Name | Domain | Priests' Spheres | Alignment | Worshippers' Alignment | Priests' Weapons * | Symbol |
Garl Glittergold
(Greater god) |
Protection, humour, trickery, gem cutting, finesmithing and lapidary, the Gnome race | Chaos, Charm, Creation, Elemental--Earth, Guardian, Protection | LG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Standard | Gold nugget |
Baervan Wildwanderer
(Lesser god) |
Forests, travel, nature, forest gnomes | Animal, Plant, Travelers, Weather | NG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff | Raccoon's face |
Baravar Cloakshadow
(Lesser god) |
Illusions, deceptions, traps, wardings | Chaos, Charm, Thought, Time, Wards | NG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Dagger | Cloak and dagger |
Segojan Earthcaller
(Lesser god) |
Earth, nature, the dead, rock gnomes | Animal, Elemental--Earth, Necromancy, Plant, Weather | NG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Pick Axe | Glowing gemstone |
Flandal Steelskin
(Demigod) |
Mining, physical fitness, smithing, metalworking, weaponsmithing, armouring | Combat, Creation, Elemental--Earth, Healing, Law, War | NG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | War Hammer, Pick Axe | Flaming hammer |
(Lesser god) |
Greed, bloodlust, blood, evil, hatred | Chaos, Combat, Law, Thought, War | CE | LE, NE, CE | Short Sword, Dagger | White mole |
Halfling Pantheon | ||||||
Name | Domain | Priests' Spheres | Alignment | Worshippers' Alignment | Priests' Weapons * | Symbol |
(Greater goddess) |
Protection, fertility, the halfling race, children, security, leadership, diplomacy, wisdom, the cycle of life, creation, family and familial love, tradition, community, harmony, prosperity | Charm, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Law, Protection, Sun | LG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Standard | Shield with cornucopia |
(Lesser god) |
Martial defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, duty | Combat, Guardian, Law, War, Wards | LG | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Any | Two short Swords |
(Lesser goddess) |
Friendship, trust, the home, the hearth, honesty, hospitality, crafts (especially weaving and needlework) | Charm, Creation, Guardian, Law, Protection, Wards | LG | LG, NG, CG, LN | Standard | Open door |
Sheela Peryroyl
(Lesser goddess) |
Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love | Animal, Charm, Plant, Weather | N | LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN | Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff | Daisy |
(Demigod) |
Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues | Chaos, Travelers | N | Any | Dagger | Halfling's footprint |
The Elemental Gods | ||||||
Name | Domain | Priests' Spheres | Alignment | Worshippers' Alignment | Priests' Weapons * | Symbol |
(Greater god) |
Elemental air, air elementalists, movement, speed, flying creatures | Elemental--Air | N | Any | Bow | A white cloud, often upon a blue background |
(Greater god) |
Elemental earth, earth elementalists, solidity, changelessness, oaths | Elemental--Earth | N | Any | Hammer, Pick Axe | Mountains, often against a purple field |
(Greater goddess) |
Elemental water, water elementalists, purification | Elemental--Water | N | Any | Standard | A cresting wave or drop of water |
(Greater god) |
Elemental power, fire elementalists, purification through fire | Elemental--Fire | N | Any | Standard | A springing flame or a flaming orb |
*Priests' Weapon column lists weapons which are allowed to priests of
that deity as an exception
to the standard stricture against edged/pointed/blood-drawing weapons, or
weapons which the deity prefers their priests to wield.
'Standard' means the priests must abide by the normal rule preventing priests from using edged/pointed weapons.
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