Deities in the World of the Mercia Campaign

Human Pantheon
Name Domain Priests' Spheres Alignment Worshippers' Alignment Priests' Weapons * Symbol
(Greater god)
Authority, Rulership Animal, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Protection, Summoning NG Lawful and Neutral Any Watching Blue Eye
(Greater goddess)
Agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, summer Animal, Charm, Creation, Divination, Plant, Sun, Weather NG LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Bill, Flail, Sickle, Dagger A budding flower encircled by a sunburst or (older) a sheaf of golden wheat on a green field or a cat
(Greater god)
Thunder, Weather, Sky, Crops Charm, Combat, Elemental, Protection, Sun, War, Weather CG LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Hammer or War Hammer Hammer
(Lesser god)
Poetry, Eloquence, Song Charm, Divination, Healing, Protection, Travelers NG LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG and all Bards Short Sword, Bow A silver harp, often depicted as a five-stringed instrument whose body is made of silvery leaves
(Greater goddess)
Love, Passion & Fertility Animal, Charm, Creation, Divination, Healing, Necromancy NG NG and all Lovers Dagger, Short Bow Falcon
(Greater god)
Gates, Open Paths, Light, Guardianship Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Protection, Summoning, Sun, Travelers, Wards LG LG, LN Sword, Spear Horn
(Greater god)
Swordsmanship, Courage, Law, Justice Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Summoning LG LG, NG, LN Sword A balanced set of scales set upon the point of a sword
(Greater god)
Mischief, strife, lies, intrigue, deception, illusion Chaos, Charm, Creation, Numbers, Thought, Time CE NG, N, NE, CG, CN, CE Any one-handed A white skull (sans jawbone) on a dark purple or black flameburst
Dian Cecht
(Greater god)
Medicine and Healing Animal, Creation, Divination, Healing, Plant, Protection LG LG, NG, CG Standard Crossed oak and Mistletoe branches
(Greater god)
Wild nature, druids Animal, Guardian, Plant, Weather N Any Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff A green, living oak leaf, an oak tree in summer, or a wooden staff sprouting tiny leaflets and buds down its length
(Lesser god)
Hunting skills, Archery Animal, Combat, Travelers, Weather CN CN Spear, Longbow Longbow
Sailors, the safety of ships, favourable winds, naval combat

Elemental--Air, Elemental--Water, Protection, War, Weather CG Any Blowgun, Dart, Crossbow, Spear, Trident A shield showing a thundercloud with three lightening bolts descending from it
Elven Pantheon
Name Domain Priests' Spheres Alignment Worshippers' Alignment Priests' Weapons * Symbol
Corellon Larethian
(Greater god)
Magic and elven magic (especially high elven magic), music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race (especially good elves), poets, poetry, bards, warriors Astral, Charm, Creation, Combat, Divination, Thought, Time, War CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Longsword, Spear, Longbow Crescent Moon
(Greater goddess)
Spring, fertility, planting, birth, defense, wisdom, healing Creation, Guardian, Healing, Plant, Protection, Sun, Wards CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Standard Three interconnecting circles laid out in a triangle
Deep Seshelas
(Lesser god)
Oceans, sea elves, creation, knowledge, underwater and sea elven beauty, water magic Creation, Divination, Elemental--Water, Numbers, Thought CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Harpoon, Spear, Trident Dolphin
Labelas Enoreth
(Lesser god)
Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history Divination, Law, Thought, Time CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Standard Setting sun
Rillifane Rallathil
(Lesser god)
Woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids Animal, Chaos, Guardian, Plant, Protection, Summoning CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff Oak tree
Solonor Thelandira
(Lesser god)
Archery, hunting, wilderness survival Animal, Combat, Guardian, Plant, Protection, Wards, Weather CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Spear, Any Bow Silver arrow with green fletching
Erevan Ilesere
(Lesser god)
Mischief, change, rogues Chaos, Charm, Travelers CN NG, CG, N, CN Short Sword, Dagger Nova star with asymmetrical rays
Dwarven Pantheon
Name Domain Priests' Spheres Alignment Worshippers' Alignment Priests' Weapons * Symbol
(Greater god)
Dwarves (survival, renewal and advancement), creation, smithing of all sorts, craftsmanship, war, the dwarven race, protection , metalcraft, stonework, engineering, dwarven engineers, protection Creation, Combat, Guardian, Protection, War LG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Any Hammer and anvil
Berronar Truesilver
(Greater goddess)
Safety, truth, home, healing, dwarven home life, records, traditional clan life, marriage, familial love, faithfulness / loyalty, honesty, obligations, oaths, the family, protector of dwarven children Guardian, Healing, Law, Wards LG LG Standard Two silver rings intertwined
(Greater god)
Keeper of metals and other buried wealth (secrets under the earth), the earth's riches, ores, gems, minerals, mining, exploration, the shield dwarf race, guardian of the dead Elemental, Necromancy, Numbers, Travelers N Any Hammer, Pick Axe A cut, faceted gem inside a mountain
Clanggedin Silverbeard
(Lesser god)
Battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in battle Combat, Guardian, Protection, War LN LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN BattleAxe, Crossbow Two crossed battleaxes
(Lesser god)
Healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon Astral, Chaos, Charm, Healing, Thought CG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE Standard A flame rising from a steel needle
(Lesser god)
Wealth, luck, chance, non-evil thieves, entrepreneurial skills such as suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness Chaos, Charm, Divination, Thought N Any Neutral Standard A gold piece
(Greater god)
Greed Chaos, Law, Numbers, Thought, Wards NE LE, NE, CE Standard Jewelled Dagger
Gnomish Pantheon
Name Domain Priests' Spheres Alignment Worshippers' Alignment Priests' Weapons * Symbol
Garl Glittergold
(Greater god)
Protection, humour, trickery, gem cutting, finesmithing and lapidary, the Gnome race Chaos, Charm, Creation, Elemental--Earth, Guardian, Protection LG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Standard Gold nugget
Baervan Wildwanderer
(Lesser god)
Forests, travel, nature, forest gnomes Animal, Plant, Travelers, Weather NG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff Raccoon's face
Baravar Cloakshadow
(Lesser god)
Illusions, deceptions, traps, wardings Chaos, Charm, Thought, Time, Wards NG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Dagger Cloak and dagger
Segojan Earthcaller
(Lesser god)
Earth, nature, the dead, rock gnomes Animal, Elemental--Earth, Necromancy, Plant, Weather NG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Pick Axe Glowing gemstone
Flandal Steelskin
Mining, physical fitness, smithing, metalworking, weaponsmithing, armouring Combat, Creation, Elemental--Earth, Healing, Law, War NG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN War Hammer, Pick Axe Flaming hammer
(Lesser god)
Greed, bloodlust, blood, evil, hatred Chaos, Combat, Law, Thought, War CE LE, NE, CE Short Sword, Dagger White mole
Halfling Pantheon
Name Domain Priests' Spheres Alignment Worshippers' Alignment Priests' Weapons * Symbol
(Greater goddess)
Protection, fertility, the halfling race, children, security, leadership, diplomacy, wisdom, the cycle of life, creation, family and familial love, tradition, community, harmony, prosperity Charm, Creation, Guardian, Healing, Law, Protection, Sun LG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Standard Shield with cornucopia
(Lesser god)
Martial defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, duty Combat, Guardian, Law, War, Wards LG LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Any Two short Swords
(Lesser goddess)
Friendship, trust, the home, the hearth, honesty, hospitality, crafts (especially weaving and needlework) Charm, Creation, Guardian, Law, Protection, Wards LG LG, NG, CG, LN Standard Open door
Sheela Peryroyl
(Lesser goddess)
Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love Animal, Charm, Plant, Weather N LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Club, Dagger, Dart, Hammer, Scimitar, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Staff Daisy
Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues Chaos, Travelers N Any Dagger Halfling's footprint
The Elemental Gods
Name Domain Priests' Spheres Alignment Worshippers' Alignment Priests' Weapons * Symbol
(Greater god)
Elemental air, air elementalists, movement, speed, flying creatures Elemental--Air N Any Bow A white cloud, often upon a blue background
(Greater god)
Elemental earth, earth elementalists, solidity, changelessness, oaths Elemental--Earth N Any Hammer, Pick Axe Mountains, often against a purple field
(Greater goddess)
Elemental water, water elementalists, purification Elemental--Water N Any Standard A cresting wave or drop of water
(Greater god)
Elemental power, fire elementalists, purification through fire Elemental--Fire N Any Standard A springing flame or a flaming orb

*Priests' Weapon column lists weapons which are allowed to priests of that deity as an exception to the standard stricture against edged/pointed/blood-drawing weapons, or weapons which the deity prefers their priests to wield.
'Standard' means the priests must abide by the normal rule preventing priests from using edged/pointed weapons.


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