Sir David Duffmann

A Human Cavalier
out to make a
name for himself
The Party
Name Sir David Duffman
Gender Male
Race Human
Class CAV Age in Years Height in Inches Weight in Pounds
Level 2 19 73 158
Experience 3457
x.p. to next level 1544
To Hit Bonus Damage Bonus Weight Allowance Open Doors Bend bars / Lift Gates
Strength 14 0 0 55 2 7%
Add. Languages Chance to Know Spell Minimum Spells/Level Maximum Spells/Level
Intelligence 12 3 45% 5 7
Magic Attack Adjust Spell Bonus Chance of Spell Failure
Wisdom 7 -1 None 100%
Defense Adjustment Surprise/ Attack Adjust
Dexterity 14 0 0
Hit Point Adjustment System Shock Survival Resurrection Survival
Constitution 15 1 91% 94%
Max Henchmen Loyalty Base Reaction Adjustment
Charisma 12 5 0% 0%
Movement Rate 12
Armor Chainmail & Medium Shield
Armor Class Type 15
Shield Bonus 1 Total Weight Carried: 77 lbs
Armor Class 16 Physical Hit Point Threshold Encumbrance: Lightly Encumbered: Move -1/3
Hit Points 13 13
Level Bonus to Hit 1
Bonus to hit with Lance (Mounted) 1
Total Bonus To Hit Melee 1
Bonus Damage for Strength 0
Bonus To Hit Missile 0

Weapon Proficiencies

Lance, Light 1d6 + 2 / 1d8 + 1
Bastard Sword
   One-handed: 1d8 / 2d6
   Two-handed: 2d4 / 2d8
Dagger 1d4 / 1d3
Net 0


Lawful Neutral
Deity Worshipped Tyr
In service to Order of the Silver Goblet

Saving Throws

Languages Known:
Poison 14 Common
Paralyzation or Death 14
Petrification or Polymorph 15
Rod, Staff or Wand 16
Breath Weapon 17
Spell 17
Saving Throw Bonus for Will-based attacks -1
Resistance to Charm 90% This includes powers such as beguiling, charm, domination, hold, hypnosis, magic jar possession, sleep, suggestion, and the psionic mind blast.

Non-weapon Proficiencies

Relevant Ability Check Modifier Successful if d20 ≤
Endurance Constitution 0 15
Riding, Land-based Wisdom 3 10
Etiquette Charisma 0 12
Heraldry Intelligence 0 12

Cavalier Abilities

Attacks from horse as if one level higher
86% Unlikely to be thrown from saddle or injured if mount falls
Can ride these additional steeds: None
Immune to Fear!
+4 to saving throws from fear of nearby allies due to Semi-protection from fear aura in a 10 foot radius
+2 Save vs. Illusion
Functions at negative Hit points! (Can't fight, but can move to disengage or seek aid.)
Code of Conduct


446.23 in g.p. equivalent value

Magic Items:




Heroism (3d10+1 hp, +3 to hit, d4+4 turns) 1

Other Items

Bedroll 1
Backpack: 1
Iron Rations 3
Bullseye Lantern
Pints of Oil 3
Last Modified: 4-Feb-2025


Born to a court baronet in the small barony of Cam, part of County Cheshire, Duff was naturally trained in the martial arts from a young age. He was sent to the court of the Earl of Cheshire to progress through the ranks of page and squire before being knighted in the Order of the Silver Goblet.

The main exports for County Cheshire are hops and barley, the main ingredients of beer and ale. The County has a reputation for brewing the finest beer and ale in Kingdom of Mercia, which they also export in limited quantities to neighboring baronies and counties.

The Order of the Silver Goblet is dedicated to protecting not only the county of Cheshire, but also to preserve and expand the art of brewing. Their knights are often sent abroad to seek out not only their fortunes as knights errant, but also new brewing techniques and ingredients and bring them back to the County.

While spending time exploring the great city of Kendall, Duff ran across a bard named Lorander who foolishly challenged him to a drinking contest, apparently unaware that Duff hailed from County Cam, the epicenter of the brewing region of Mercia.

Duff handily won the contest, and won a friend steadfast and true in the process.