
A Half-elven
Bard in search of Fame and Fortune
The Party
Name Lorander
Gender Male Pick Pockets Adjust
Race Half-Elf 10%
Class BRD Age in Years Height in Inches Weight in Pounds
Level 3 33 65 129
Experience 3457
x.p. to next level 1544
To Hit Bonus Damage Bonus Weight Allowance Open Doors Bend bars / Lift Gates
Strength 12 0 0 45 2 3%
Add. Languages Chance to Know Spell Minimum Spells/Level Maximum Spells/Level
Intelligence 13 3 55% 6 9
Magic Attack Adjust Spell Bonus Chance of Spell Failure
Wisdom 16 3 2 x 1st, 2 x 2nd, 1 x 3rd 0%
Defense Adjustment Surprise/ Attack Adjust Pick Pockets Adjust
Dexterity 9 0 0 -15%
Hit Point Adjustment System Shock Survival Resurrection Survival
Constitution 12 0 80% 85%
Max Henchmen Loyalty Base Reaction Adjustment
Charisma 9 4 0% 0%
Movement Rate 12 Pick Pockets Adjust Detect Noise Adjust Climb Walls Adjust
Armor Studded Leather + Buckler -30% -5% -25%
Armor Class Type 13
Shield Bonus 1 1 x per round
Armor Class 14 Physical Hit Point Threshold
Hit Points 15 15
Level Bonus to Hit 1
Total Weight Carried: 87 lbs
Encumbrance: Moderately Encumbered: Move -1/2, Att -1
Total Bonus To Hit Melee 1
Bonus Damage for Strength 0
Bonus To Hit Missile 0

Weapon Proficiencies

Longbow d6
Scimitar d8
Dagger 1d4 / 1d3


Neutral Good
Deity Worshipped Corellon Larethian

Saving Throws

Languages Known:
Poison 13 Common
Paralyzation or Death 13 Elven
Petrification or Polymorph 12 Gnome
Rod, Staff or Wand 14 Halfling
Breath Weapon 16 Goblin
Spell 15 Orcish
(To Be Learned)
Saving Throw Bonus for Will-based attacks 3 (To Be Learned)
Resistance to Charm 30%

Non-weapon Proficiencies

Relevant Ability Check Modifier Successful if d20 ≤
Tracking Wisdom 0 Base Chance 20%
Reading/Writing Intelligence 1 14
History, Local Charisma 0 9
Etiquette Charisma 0 9
Singing Charisma 0 9
Musical Instrument Dexterity -1 8
Base Chance 10%

Number of Magic spells
which can be memorized:

Spell Level: # of Spells

Thief Like Abilities:

1 2 Pick Pockets Detect Noise Climb Walls Read Languages
2 1 -15% 40% 45% 20%
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0

Spell Book

Can Never Learn:


646.230 in g.p. equivalent value

1st Level Spells

Detect Magic
Protection from Evil
Read Magic
Unseen Servant

Magic Items:


2nd Level Spells



Healing (d4+6hp) 1

Other Items

Bedroll 1
Backpack 1
Iron Rations 3
Spellbook 1
Healing Kit 1
Spell-writing ink 2
Spell-writing quill 1
Fiddle 1
Quiver of 20 Arrows 20
50' Rope
Last Modified: 4-Feb-2025


Hailing originally from the Weston region of Rahn, Lorander is distantly related to the current leader thereof: Fingolin the Wise. From his earliest years, though, his love of music and stories foretold his eventual career as a bard, and while he traveled extensively throughout Rahn, he eventually drifted east toward Gaent and Mercia.

His curiosity ultimately led him to the mighty city of Kendall, the royal seat of Mercia, where he encountered a young knight named Sir David Duffman in a tavern. A friendly drinking contest ensued, wherein Lorander was sorely pressed by the younger man's drinking prowess. He lost the contest, but gained a lifelong friend and able ally.

Together, they set out to see what the world would offer, initially traveling north along the River Nene.